The Connection Project

Climate Action Net is embarking on a new project in conjunction with Rob Shetterly and Americans Who Tell the Truth. 

Project Overview and Update from Tony Ferrara, Coordinator (6/27/22)

CAN projects often

The Connection Project is no exception. It is based on the assumption that an organized community can better respond to the stresses of climate disruption than a community without structure, without communication networks, and without internal familiarity. 

We are experiencing an increased level of concern in the local population about our climate situation and are at a juncture where people are more open to talking and doing something about it. 

We see this in the high-turnout, intergenerational Saturday Blue Hill Bridge rallies, our post-rally library discussions, CAN correspondences and uptick in regional climate actions, such as the Pine Tree Amendment and Our Power.  

It is time for us frogs to jump out of the warming water before the Earth boils and explore the power of joining with millions across the globe in collective action.

Small groups come together for climate action

We will bring together small groups of folks with a common characteristic to share their views about our climate crisis and to identify any activity which that can increase our community’s resilience. Later, these groups, representing different sectors of the community, will be brought together as described in the Connection Plan.

Some projects, such as the Climate Open-Mic at Tinder Hearth , involved dozens of volunteers to implement, while the Climate Convergence Conference at GSA engaged almost 100 volunteers. We are “going to the well again” and asking for your participation. 

It involves  joining one or more groups (Environmentalists and Lovers of a Healthy Earth, Third Act (Elders), Faith/Spiritual, Arts, Social Services/Complementary Health, Educators, and Youth) and being an active member in expressing your views and listening deeply to others. 

Once the groups find their focus and direction, they will be invited to participate in a joint conversation and share their ideas about possible actions. 

Be part of this exciting project to minimize the instability to our community that climate disruption will cause. 

Go to the Connection Project Implementation and join one or more groups. 

Let’s get organized!